Data & Demographics

Centennial, Colorado is located south of Denver and has a land area of 29.6 square miles. Centennial is a unique, award-winning city and home to approximately 108,000 residents and over 5,000 businesses.

Statistics & Demographics Information

*Source: US Census.

Demographic/Statistic   Official Figure
 Total Population 106,937
 Median Household Income  $108,531
 Bachelor's Degree or Higher  60.3%
 Employment Rate  70.1%
 Total Housing Units  41,571
 Total Households  42,521
 Hispanic or Latino (of any race)  9.0%
 Without Healthcare Coverage  3.9%

Good business decisions are made with great data.

Accurate demographics and household income figures, for example, can inform, influence or, in some cases, reaffirm that the right strategy is being rolled out in the right place at the right time. Fortunately, there are organizations that diligently track the figures that steer businesses on the road to success.

Here are some top sources for data. If there is a data set you are looking for that can’t be found below, send us an email or give us a call, and we’ll help you find it.

2022 Annual Economic Indicator Report(PDF, 941KB)

More Data Sources

More Data Sources

Denver South Economic Development Partnership

Denver South data and maps for expanding or relocating your business. 


Zillow Research provides residential real estate market data. 

Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation

Metro Denver Data Central

ESRI Tapestry Segmentation

Esri provides psychographics by zip code and neighborhood.  

Centennial GIS

Maps, maps, and more maps provided by Centennial GIS.

Colorado State Demography Office

Demographic and economic data for Colorado provided by the 
State's Demography Office

Arapahoe/Douglas Works Workforce Center

Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center provides everything you need to know about Colorado and Denver South’s outstanding workforce to meet your recruitment goals.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides economic data including the
quarterly Census of employment and wages. 

Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)

View DRCOG's regional data, maps, and modeling.

U.S. Department of State

The U.S. Department of State Provides a comprehensive list of resources related to salaries, cost of living and relocation.